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Frequently Asked Questions

A particular question... I am available by appointment to talk about it.


How much does it cost ?

The law prohibits us from publishing our fees. I can possibly give you a price over the phone but it will only be an estimate. I advise you not to compare prices from one veterinarian to another because, for example, under the act "sterilization of a female dog", there can be very different services in terms of quality of anesthesia, hygiene, associated medications, etc.


At what age should you be sterilized?

There is no maximum age but it is better to sterilize early before the onset of puberty. Indeed, any hormonal impregnation is potentially harmful. This is why we often recommend the age of 6 months for the sterilization of dogs and cats, male and female...unless you want a litter.


How often should you deworm him?

We recommend deworming 4 times a year but the administration of antiparasitics can be reduced or increased depending on several factors: animal alone or in a community, access to the outdoors, gestation, presence of children, etc. I am at your disposal to provide you with the most suitable product.


Should we brush his teeth?

If you succeed, I congratulate you. Unfortunately, unless started at a young age, brushing, although very effective, is rarely tolerated by domestic animals. Failing that, there are different solutions such as chewable strips, oral solutions and anti-plaque powders. Alongside these purely preventive methods, it is often necessary to consider scaling and polishing the dental surfaces. The office commonly carries out this type of intervention.



Comment le rendre propre ?

Patience et récompense sont les 2 règles d'or. Au début, le chiot est incapable de se retenir toute la nuit et il ne faut jamais le gronder. Il faut plutôt essayer de respecter son rythme naturel. En effet, les besoins se font généralement au réveil et après un repas, prenez donc le temps suffisant pour le sortir à ces périodes et félicitez-le toujours. Je peux vous fournir des conseils supplémentaires lors d'une consultation.

To be continued...
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